Friday, March 13, 2015

The Tutor's Daughter by Julie Klassen

I found the upstairs/downstairs aspect of this book interesting. Emma is a transparent, learned, and witty young women looking to improve her father's spirit after the loss of her mother two years ago and the final student leaving their academy. The receive a letter that invites them out to the Weston's home to teach the two younger of four boys. They accept and are soon on their way. When they arrive, it seemed more of a shock and inconvenience. Lady Weston has a very cold, indifferent attitude toward Emma and her father. They are shown their living quarters but told to stay away from a certain area.

Lessons begin, but there are some odd things happening, specifically to Emma. Lady Weston is hiding something.

The older two brothers had already spent time at the Smallwood's academy years ago. Emma is reacquainted with them.

Trouble mounts and Emma is taught what it means to trust God.

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