Friday, May 13, 2016

Traces of Guilt (An Evie Blackwell Cold Case) by Dee Henderson

Let me say that I love Dee Henderson’s books! Suspense, crime, drama, and a little bit of romance makes for a great read. To be honest, life with two littles 2 and under makes reading time for Mama a bit hard to come by. I didn’t even know Dee had another book coming out until my hubby bought it for me for Mother’s Day. Well, I carved out some time to read it and I am glad I did. This looks like it is going to be a series of books (and I really hope it is!) and one that will find a home on my bookshelves.

One thing I like about Dee’s books is that the characters from other books make appearances.
Evie Blackwell is a woman who is working her way up in the Illinois State Police system as a detective.  She is very good at what she does and is chosen to head up a new task force involving cold cases. For a trial run, she spends her two-week vacation in Carin County working on two of the counties toughest cold cases. She works closely with the sheriff’s office and crosses paths with Gabriel Thane.

Gabriel Thane has grown up in Carin County and followed his father’s footsteps in becoming the sheriff. He loves his county and the people in it. He has been troubled by the cold cases as on in particular has puzzled the county for years.

I really appreciate that I am unable to predict what will happen next. This book kept me on the edge of my seat and I did not want to put it down, hence the mombie look most of the week at work.