Monday, April 27, 2015

Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist

It was a few years ago I accidentally came across one of Deeanne Gist's books (A Bride in the Bargain) and I became a fan. So, I was anxious to read Tiffany Girl. Let me say, this book did not disappoint. Being part of the launch team, I had the opportunity to read the first five chapters a couple weeks ago and did a preview post about the book. I had some ideas about where the characters where headed, but there were a few loops that threw me. I like that in a book.

Flossie is an extremely independent young lady at a time in history that wasn't so kind to such a girl, especially when she takes a job that is considered "mannish." She is very naive when it comes to the ways of the world. She is a little too trusting at times. She feels she is on top of the world working as a Tiffany Girl. She soon finds out that she is not all she thinks she is. She really goes through some serious ups and downs, both in relationships and circumstances.

Reeve. At the beginning of the book, he comes off as standoffish and a loner with very rigid views. By the end of the book, he has softened in his views and has become quite a man. He too goes through some serious ups and downs just as Flossie does.

Life is always full of transitions and changes. It's important how we deal with them.

I feel like Deeanne writes with such creativity and purpose. Even though this book has historical facts throughout, it 's not an information dump. Facts are laced in with creativity and flow and well researched. I enjoyed hearing about how the Tiffany Girls worked and put the windows together. The descriptions Deeanne uses takes me to the place and time of the setting. I really felt I was in the Chapel with Flossie.

By the way, this book is historical fiction, not Christian fiction. The "racier" scenes are done with tact. Deeanne has shifted some to the mainstream fiction realm rather than keep it "Christian."

I don't want to give anything away for this book. It is worth the read. When this book comes out, I highly recommend getting it! Also, help a out by getting the book for a friend or even requesting your library get a copy.

Pre-order on Amazon:

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Preview of Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist

I am so excited about having the opportunity to be on the Launch Team for the upcoming release of Tiffany Girl. After reading a few preview chapters (not nearly enough for me!), I can't wait to read the rest of this book. 

Flossie is a young women who has a very determined and independent spirit. She loves taking painting classes and is very upset to find out her father will not be paying for another term. During one of her last classes,  Louis Comfort Tiffany visits to take a look at some of the work. Men in his factory have gone on strike and now he needs to do something to continue the factory work, so he hires a few ladies to work for him. He finds some common ground with Flossie and hires her as well. Telling her parents this was not easy as they felt a woman's place was in her home. Flossie had already determined to go against her parents' wish to take the job and move out.

Flossie is settling in with her roommate at a boardinghouse while  journalist Reeve Wilder is in the next room. He is of the same mindset of Flossie's parents when it comes to what women should do.

And that, folks is where the preview ended. I have my thoughts and predictions, but for now I shall keep them to myself. How about you? Are you anxious about the release of Tiffany Girl?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen

One thing I enjoy reading about is a strong, independent woman and Julie Klassen does not disappoint! Miss Mariah Aubrey has to leave home following a scandal. She is sent to live in the gatehouse of her aunt's estate, tucked away from society and further shame. Her aunt passes away, leaving the estate to the  As money starts to run out, Mariah decides to enlist the help of her brother (if he's willing to associate with her) to get some of her writing  out, anonymously, of course.

Captain Matthew Bryant has returned to the  mainland in hopes of leaving behind the sea-faring life and settling down with a certain young lady that once burned him. He leases the estate from the money-troubled son, who is rummaging around the estate for something.

Can the gatehouse continue holding its secrets or will they be found out?